According to Aristotle slavery is natural and useful. He justified Slavery, however it was only applicable to natural Slaves. According to him; Slaves are of two types:
  1. Made Slaves/ legal Slaves

  1. Natural Slaves.

Made Slaves:- they are non-taxpayers, foreigners indulged in illegal activities and prisoners of war, He suggests that legal slaves should be treated with coercion and should be sold as soon as possible because they can be dangerous and can cause harm.
Natural Slaves: they are people who lack reason, wisdom or virtue. His justification of slavery is related to natural slaves.

 Aristotle's Justification of Slavery

Slavery is Natural: According to Aristotle nature has created two types of individuals:

a) Mentally Strong: some people are mentally strong and possess reason as well as courage. They are reasonable enough to differentiate between good and bad and at the same time, they have the courage to take decisions. They are not dependent upon others for taking decisions. These people are masters.
b) Physically strong: Some people are physically strong but lack reason and courage. Thus, they need a guide who can show them the path and can take decisions on their behalf. These people are slaves and need the guidance of the Master.

 Thus, Slavery is natural.

  • Necessary: Aristotle also argues that slavery is necessary because by serving basic neeglg£Daster, provide he leisure time to participate in State affairs. Thus Barker rightly said "Aristotle conception of Slavery is more a justification of a necessity than a deduction from disinterested observation of facts"
  • Expediency:- Slavery was the foundation of the Greek economic system. The abolition of slavery in Greek society at that time would have invited social disorder and chaos. Thus Aristotle justifies slavery on the ground of expediency. The same has been supported by a political thinker Foster; According to him "In fact, Aristotle justifies slavery on the ground of expediency".

Apart from this, Aristotle has also justified slavery on a utilitarian basis; According to him, Slavery is good for Slaves, masters, State as well as an economic system.

  1. Useful for master: master will have leisure time to develop his virtues. Hence, masters should treat slaves properly.
  2. Useful for the economic system: since a slave is physically strong, he can work for a  longer duration.
  3. Good for the state: because the master will get time to participate in the affairs of the state.
  4. Good for a slave: it is a necessity for a Slave because he does not have a reason. He will require someone else to guide him. In the company of a good master, the slave can develop virtue. If a slave develops the virtue of reason and courage, the master should set him free.

Despite Aristotle has support for slavery because it was the need of the time, however, he set the ground for their betterment and freedom by putting some restrictions on the institution of Slavery.

  1. A person who lacks virtue is only Made slave. He is not in favor that prisoners of war should be enslaved because according to him defeat of the opponent doesn't mean that they lack virtue.
  2. He argued that Slaves and masters are complementary to each other, where the master is like head and slave is like body. They share a symbiotic relationship, thus slaves should be treated properly.
  3. He advocated that it is the responsibility of the master to free the slaves whose conduct will be good and who have developed reasoning and virtue.

Criticism of Aristotle's theory of slavery:

Aristotle has been criticized for justifying slavery in the age of human rights. He cannot justify an institution like slavery howsoever useful it is. Immanuel Kant held that each man is an end in itself. No one ought to treat others as means to an end.
  1. Classification of individuals on the basis of capacities is wrong and Aristotle never provided any logical method to be adopted to classify individuals.
  2. He rejected the historical origin of slavery and justified it on philosophical rationalization.
  3. His views on slavery reflect his conservatism and primitive outlook towards life. 
  4. His theory is highly prejudicial and contradictory to the human dignity and necessities of life. It is prejudicial, in the sense it presupposed that Greeks were fit to rule the world and they could not be enslaved even if they were defeated by the barbarians.


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