• The theory of Education is an important part of Plato's Philosophy, as education was the way to identify the dominant trait within an individual.
  • It will help to identify the philosophers, among which one of them would be made philosopher king who will ultimately establish and rule the ideal state.
  • Plato's theory of education encompasses of good characteristics of Sparta's Education System and removes the bad element of the Athenian Education System which Plato disliked. Characteristics of Spartan Education System which Plato Liked.

  1. There was State-sponsored Education.
  2. There was a provision for Compulsory military Education.
  3.  Equality of Opportunity to women.

Characteristics of Athenian Education System which Plato disliked.

  1. Education was in Private hands.
  2. No vigilance by State over the Curriculum.
  3. No equality of opportunity for women.
  4. There was no provision for compulsory Physical Education and Military training.
  5. The main focus was to develop the logical and critical faculties of mind, they merely focused on the study of literature, mathematics. However, they paid no attention to philosophy and the art of dialectics.

Two basic features of Plato's Theory of Education.

  1. Compulsory State-sponsored Education which everyone has to attend.
  2.  Full equality of opportunity for all citizens, with no discrimination on basis of birth or gender. Women and girls have an equal opportunity at all stages.

The Platonic System of Education was systematic and progressive.

 He divided education into two parts:

  1. Basic Education.
  2. Higher Education.

Further, Basic education was divided into 3 sub- Stages.

  1. First Sub-Stage:- the age group up to 6 years of age fell under this Sub-Stage. Both Boys and girls were having equal Opportunities. At this Stage they were suppose to taught in the language which they can understand(Mother tongue) with the help of Stories and Pictures. The main Purpose was to develop the right kind of attitude.
  2. Second Sub-Stage: the people from age 6 to 18 years fell under this sub- Stage. They were taught Music and Gymnastics for Spiritual Softness along with physical toughness. They were also taught History, Music and Science. First Screening:- Those who will pass will go to next stage and those who will fail will go to the Producing Class.
  3. Third Sub-Stage- People from 18 to 20 years will fell under this sub- stage. They will begiven Military education. Second Screening:- those who will pass will go for higher education and those who will fail will become the part of Warrior Class.

And Higher Education was divided into 2 sub-stages

  1.  First sub- Stage:- the people will be taught logic, philosophy, and dialectics from the age of 20 years to 35 Years. All the people taught on this stage will be Philosophers, men with dominating Reason and possess Wisdom.
  2. Second Sub-Stage:- from the Age of 35 to 50 Years they will be the part of Administration where they will get the Frist hand Experience. And at the age of 50, the person will be eligible to become the Philosopher King. But, the question is there will be many contenders, who will be eligible for the Post of Philosopher King, how to choose one among many???


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