1. The person with dominating reason who possesses wisdom and has the knowledge of Ideas or forms.
  2. He is the one who will establish an Ideal State which will be free of corruption.
  3. Plato believes that a State cannot an Ideal State until Philosophers become the king or kings becomes the Philosophers. Plato preferred the Rule of Philosophy over the Rule of Law. For him, no law is mightier than knowledge.
  4. Plato has given absolute power to the philosopher-king with the only exception of the constitution which he cannot change. In the words of Plato know love or Ordinance is mightier than knowledge. Philosopher King possessed absolute and ultimate knowledge which cannot be made ordinary by public opinion. If we limit philosopher-king with ordinary wisdom or public opinion it will be as foolish to limit the expert practitioner of medicine with a book of medicine.

Qualifications of philosopher-king:

  1.  He is a man of reason.
  2.  He is a symbol of sacrifice. 
  3. He has knowledge of philosophy.
  4.  He does not have a family.
  5.  He does not have the right to property

Powers of philosopher-king:

  1. He has absolute power.
  2. In the words of Plato, no ordinance or law can be mightier than knowledge. His wisdom cannot be questioned by public opinion or by the book of love.
  3. In the words of Plato, "it is foolish to limit the expert practitioner of medicine with the book of medicine". - There is only one limitation on philosopher-king – he cannot change the constitution written by Plato.

Aristotle's Criticism of Philosopher King

  1. Aristotle argued that rule of law is always better than the rule of any person irrespective of how knowledgeable he or she is.
  2. He also finds other issues with the idea of Philosopher King: It's not an easy task to find someone worthy to be a philosopher and a king at the same time. 
  3. The Philosopher king can eventually succumb to his/her appetites and passions and can act without reason.
  4. Instead, it's better to trust laws since they represent the collective wisdom of the many generations of learned men and are more dependable than the knowledge and reason of one person.
  5. In the words of Aristotle "Plato is sacrificing good for the sake of best. But best is unachievable. If the rule of the philosopher-king is the best, the rule of law is best practicable."


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