Governance:- It simply means, the exercise of power and implementation of policies 

  • Government- It is the tool through which governance is done. E-governance - is nothing but governance with the help of technology, in other words harnessing technology to deliver Public services. E-governance is short for 'electronic governance' .this is another mechanism to redress public grievances and hereby bring people closer to administration.
  • E-governance is the delivery of services through the use of ICT ( information and communication Technology).


E-governance in India started during the 1970s.

  •  To achieve the E-governance Department of Electronics was established in 1970.
  • In 1977 – NIC ( National Informatics Centre ) was established in order to provide officials information to citizens.
  • In 1987 NIC. NET was established to make national networks.
  • And every official website is designed by NIC.NET.
  • E-governance directly implies reform in the way the government works , shares information and delivers services to clients.
  • It has increased both the efficiency and effectiveness of govt.
  • Specifically, e-governance harnesses ICT such as Internet , the web and mobile phone to information and services to the citizens and businesses.
According to Bhatnagar:-
  • As a first step, information about services is published on a website and citizens can interact with the site download application forms for a variety of services. 
  • The next stage involves the use of ICT in the actual delivery of services such as filing a tax return of renewing the driving license 
  • More sophisticated applications can process online payment

Thus providing citizens with the ability to obtain government services through electronic means, enabling access to government information and completion of government transactions on an 'anywhere, anytime basis.

In this way, it is a tool for bringing people closer to government & administration. The idea is simply to create the capability for providing citizens access to government departments through electronic networks.
the ultimate goal is to bring about better governance which is termed as 'SMART' by the government of India in 2008

  • S- simple 
  • M- moral 
  • A-accountable 
  • R- Responsive.
  • T- Transparent .

Thus, through e-governance, SMART governance is achieved.

• In India, digital governance has been legalised by the Information Technology  Act -2000. 
• This act is a watershed in conceptualising administrative reforms in India . More Importantly, e-governance is certainly an attack on red-tapism.

Types of Interaction in e-Governance 

  • G2G i.e. Government to Government
  • G2C i.e. Government to Citizen
  • G2B i.e. Government to
  • G2E i.e. Government to Employees


1.Infraructure:-Lack of basic infrastructural facilities like electricity, internet, etc. Initiatives like BharatNet and Saubhagya are steps taken in this regard.
2.Coast :-e-Governance measures are costly affairs and require huge public expenditure. In developing countries like India, the cost of projects is one of the major impediments to the implementation of e-Governance initiatives.
3.Privacy and Security:-
>Recent spark in data leak cases has threatened the peoples' faith in e-governance. Therefore, the implementation of e-governance projects must have security standards and protocols for safeguarding the interest of all classes of the masses. Digital Divide
>The a huge gap between users and non-users of e-govt. services.
>The digital divide takes form in rich-poor, male-female, urban-rural etc segments of the population.
The gap needs to be narrowed down,
 >The Infrastructure to
its of e-governance would be utilized equally.
However, the project E-Sewa that began in West Godavari District of Andhra Pradesh is the potential one to reduce the Urban-rural divide.

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