According to Machiavelli 
 . "Prince should be like a fox and lion. He should be clever like Fox to understand the traps and should be brave like a lion to defend himself from attacks by wolves."

  1.  . The Prince is the best book on statecraft written by Machiavelli. He gives advice. He advises Prince to be clever like Fox because when in politics there will be many contenders of Prince. He may get trapped in the conspiracy. Similarly, there will be many threats to his life so he will be able to defend himself.
  2. Reason and courage are considered to be the essential qualities of the ruling class. Since the time of Plato, Machiavelli is more realistic when he clearly suggests the type of Intelligence and courage Prince should have. His advice remains relevant even in present times because no state can defend itself without strong Intelligence and defense forces.
  3.  Machiavelli suggested the Prince give preference to the common man over nobles: because common men are more loyal as their aspirations are limited as compared to nobles.
  4. Machiavelli supports the expansionist foreign policy. He also advises the Prince that if the land acquired by him has a similar culture, then he can directly rule that piece of land, but if cultural differences exist he should rule indirectly through an agent, who has the same culture as the acquired territory.
  5. Machiavelli advises the 'Prince ' to be non-fatalistic, however, he suggested that bad luck may come sometimes which is beyond anyone's control, in such a situation 'Prince ' should not lose heart and should bounce back.
According to Machiavelli, bad luck or misfortune is like torrential rain or roaring a river, it devastates man completely. Thus. Prince also should make preparation for bad times.
Machiavelli also suggests that the nature of Fortune is like women. Women embrace brave men.

  1.  Morality; Prince should not follow ordinary)orality Politics has its own morality i.e. National Interest
  2.  Machiavelli was the first thinker who advocated the Separation of religion and  Politics. However, He advises Prince to appear religiously in the public domain.


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