ARISTOTLE(384-322 BC)

  •  Aristotle was not a native of Athens, he was born in Stagira near the Macedonian borders.
  •  He was one of the greatest disciples of Plato as well as a critic of him.
  •  His father was General Physician in the Court of Macedonian King.

 Aristotelian State

  • Both Aristotle and Plato believed that the state came into existence for satisfaction of basic needs of people and it continued for good life of people.
  • He regarded State as a natural organization, which is the result of growth and evolution.
  • However the Sophists in Athens at that time gave more importance to Individual I as compared to State. Therefore, they believed that State is artificial and product of Social Contract.
  • However, as we know that Aristotle belongs to the tradition of Socrates & Plato,  thus for him State is natural and Prior to human beings because the origin of State lies in the natural needs of human beings.
  • According to Aristotle god has not made human beings self-sufficient, they can't fulfil even his basic needs on his own and hence man create family.
  • Family can fulfil some of the needs but not all. So man creates villages, it also failed to fulfil all the needs. hence man created State and it fulfilled all the needs of the people. Thus State is natural as well as self- sufficing.
  • According to him, it is destiny of man to live in the State. Chronologically man is prior to State, but logically State is Prior to man. He also argued that a person who is living outside the State is god or beast.

Thus, by nature man is a social and political animal.

Features of Aristotelian State:-

  1. The state is a Natural entity:- Unlike Plato's Ideal State, Aristotle's State was not structured or manufactured. It is the result of gradual evolution, due to individual's needs family came into existence, families led to the formation of villages and villages finally turned into the State.
  2. State is Prior to Human Being: Aristotle believed that State is prior to family and the human beings, as a whole is prior to the parts, example when the whole body is destroyed there will be no foot or hand. In other words, human beings express all their traits in the State.
  3. The state is an association of associations: The associations are not as large as the State. The State has general & common purposes and has larger concerns as compared to many other associations.
  4. He regarded State as an organism individuals as its body parts. He argued that as body parts of an organism are useless when separated from the body. Similarly, when the individual is separated from the State then he has no importance.
  5. The state is Self-Sufficing: State is a self-sufficient institution while family and village are not because it fulfils all the needs of human beings.
  6. Aristotelian State is Unity in diversity, for him, the State is not uniformity but it is the one that brings all diversity together.
  7. Aristotelian State is based on rule of law, he gave more importance to the law as it is the result of collective wisdom, he didn't believe in the rule of Philosophy or knowledge.

Best Possible State:- Aristotle

 Functions of the State.

  1. To ensure good and happy life for the members of the society
  2. To ensure the moral life of the members of the society.
  3. The state should fulfil all the requirements of the members of the society.

 Characteristics of best possible State.

  1. Economy: The state should be stable balancing two extremes, it should neither be too rich nor too poor.
  2. Constitution: Provisions of constitutions should not be too harsh or too soft. It should not particularly favour a certain class of people.
  3. Population: State should not be highly populated, nor less populated. The quality of the population should be good. The people should be educated and healthy.
  4. Territory & Size: The territory of the State should not be too big or too small. The location should be such that it must help to prevent aggression from enemies.
  5. Character of the people: The people should be patriotic and intelligent.
  6. Different Classes in the State: there should be artisans, agriculturalist, warriors, priests and administrators.
  7.  Education Good education is essential for foundation of the State. It will make man moral and good.

Difference between Plato and Aristotle

  •  Plato was utopian, whereas Aristotle was pragmatic.
  •  Plato was radical, whereas Aristotle was conservative.
  •  Plato was an Extremist, whereas Aristotle followed the Golden means.
  •  Plato believed in Perfection while Aristotle believed in Moderation.


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