• It is a legal status of a person with respect to the state.
  • He recognizes the two principles for conferring Citizenship 

  1.  birth.
  2.  blood.

  •  However, Aristotle's basis of citizenship is not limited to just these two criteria.
  •  Aristotle excludes women. children. old people and slaves from the definition of I
  •  the citizens.
  • Because for him citizenship is not just a formal status. He focuses on the substantiative aspect of citizenship.
  • According to Aristotle, citizenship is a duty or responsibility. It is a duty to participate in the affairs of the states i.e. in legislative functions- the function of I law-making and Judicial functions- the functions of law interpretation.
  • For performing both legislative and judicial functions one needs the virtu i.e. high degree moral and intellectual excellence and active participation.
  • thus excluding women, children, old man and slaves from the definition of citizens.
  • Women are excluded because Aristotle believed in patriarchy and argues that and nurture of the children.
  • Children are excluded from being immature as they lack virtue.
  • Old men are excluded because of their health conditions as they will not be able to ensure active participation.
  • Slaves are excluded because; they lacked reason and wisdom along with virtue, which is required to participate in State affairs.
  • Aristotle is also in favour of not giving citizenship to agriculturalists and industrialists as they will not be able to devote time for State affairs.
  • Thus, citizenship was limited to freemen, i.e. too young age dynamic individual.

Aristotle also points out the four conditions to differentiate between citizens and non-citizens.

  •  1. Citizenship is not alone determined on the basis of residence, not all residents living in the State can be citizens. E.g. Foreigners
  •  2. Citizenship can't be defined by exercising civil rights. Everyone exercising civil rights is not a citizen. E.g.- Women, old men etc.
  •  3. Citizenship can't be provided to those whose parents are a foreigner or hold citizenship of different States.
  •  4. Citizenship can't be provided if anyone has the power to sue or to be sued  
Characteristics of Good citizen- By Aristotle
  •  1. A good citizen lives in harmony.
  •  2. A good citizen coordinate and cooperate with State.
  •  3. he should take responsibility for State building.
  •  4. A good citizen gives equal weightage to duties along with rights..


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